An Evening of Trance Mediumship
Fri 7/1/22 - 7:00 pm
Join me and my spiritual friends for an evening of Trance Mediumship on Friday 7th January from 7pm, in the Birch room at the Clophill Center, MK45 4BT.
Trance communication is a form of mediumship, where the energetic realms (be it spirit, angels, multifrequency beings) use the physical and mental capabilities of the medium or channel to bring forth words and messages (in this instance). A closer bond or meld of energy is achieved to allow a deeper form of communication to be achieved. Dawn has been sitting in trance for many years and we in the spirit world use this form of communication in many ways, as you can see as we type these words.
It is done in very safe, almost strict conditions and our dear channel is well protected. The space chosen for this work is sacred and is prepared in advance to allow the light only to flow. This is a very special opportunity and we encourage you to prepare questions; which you will be given the opportunity to ask on the night. This also demonstrates that the information being given is not scripted but coming through our channel to those fortunate enough to be present. We invite you to join us for healing, wisdom and upliftment, its always an entertaining evening, we are not all stuffy you know!
There will also be opportunities in the new year to experience trance for yourselves; as we will be teaching classes on achieving deeper levels of connection with your own spiritual friends and helpers.
As you can see, trance is a very natural thing and I invite you to join us on the 7th January at Clophill. Spaces are £15 please, booking and full payment in advance please. There are only a fixed number of spaces available.
If you have any questions, please contact me prior to booking via 07973384406 or email mailto:/
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on