Introducing Deep Memory Process regression therapy for Soul wounds
Sun 11/7/21 - 10:00 am
July 11th One Day workshop Introduction to Deep Memory Process DMP - regression therapy for Soul wounds Childhood fragmentation - Past lives - Karmic Residues - Spirit attachments - Ancestor influences with Juanita Puddifoot
Join this experiential day to and learn how the techniques of DMP can transform and heal Soul Wounds such as:-
- Childhood splits caused from trauma and defeats in life.
- Understand the impact of our ancestors unfinished business on your life today,
- The reasons spirits become attached.
- Exploring the Tibetan Buddhist view of the impact of death on the souls journey into the spirit realm
If you wish to continue with more indepth work with learning more about Deep Memory Process click here for more information about the DMP training spread over 2 weekends July 30th evening, sat 31st & Aug sun 1st including fri 6th Aug, sat 7th & sun 8th - Module 1 DMP
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on