Mongolian Khoomi Overtone Singing Workshop

Wed 3/3/21 - 8:00 am to Wed 3/3/21 - 5:00 pm

Practitioner: Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino

Opportunity to learn Mongolian Khoomi Ovetone singing - Khoomi 1 The Source.

Khöömii is an amazing style of overtone/harmonic singing where one person sings two or more distinct pitches at the same time. It originates among the nomads of the central Asian plateau, particularly the Altai and Sayan mountain regions of Mongolia and Tuva.

Michael and Candida are the only Europeans blessed to teach the basic practices of Mongolian Khöömii by master singers Tserendavaa & Gereltsogt. He was initiated into the sacred & secular aspects of this amazing way of connecting to the power of the voice by senior keeper of the tradition Tserendavaa.

Candida Valentino is the only British woman to perform “Khargyraa, an undertone style of singing that has strong connections with shamanistic practices of Mongolia and Tuva.

For more information about their work please visit:

Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on

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