The Shaman’s Doorway
Sat 24/7/21 - 10:00 am to Sun 25/7/21 - 5:00 pm
The Shaman's Doorway
This workshop is an important foundation for any further shamanic study you might want to do. It introduces you to some of the core methods used in shamanism and helps you establish your own relationship to them. You will experience and learn to practice the ancient Shamanic path to wholeness and balance.
We will spend time creating a strong, safe bridge to the spirit world, which can lead you and support you into your future. The relationships you make with the spirit teacher and your spirit animal are the key to the Doorway. It is suitable both for beginners and for those who want to deepen a link they have already established.
Shamanism is an ancient, earth-based spiritual path for healing, awakening, and raising consciousness. At its core is the sacred image of the World Tree. Like our ancestors before us, we will travel to the upper world (crown) to meet our spirit teachers, to the lower world (roots) of the animals, and to the middle world (trunk) to meet the spirits existing in this reality. The magic and healing of the allies from these three realms can touch our hearts and lead us powerfully into the mystery of what it is to be a human being.
We will travel in a sacred space and time between the world of spirit and our physical world. In a grounded and ceremonial way, we can surrender and become the ‘hollow bone’, allowing spirit to flow through us and lifting our consciousness closer to the sacred dream of life. We will use the core shamanic techniques of journey, dance, song and walk combined with the spirit help of drum, rattle, feather and herbs. Shamans always work for their tribe. Over the weekend, we will form a circle working together for ourselves, each other and for Mother Earth. The core practices you will learn have a strong focus on bringing back information and healing for the group, and will teach you skills which you can take home to use for yourself and others.
This workshop will help you open your own doorway to the spirit world, and give you the fundamental tool of journeying, together with other key shamanic practices. These can lead you towards reclaiming the ancient wisdom buried within your DNA, and so to your true, authentic power.
You will learn about the power of awareness and finding your centre. The teachings will guide you towards personal freedom and inner strength, stepping into the great circle of life where every part is linked to the whole, and all of life is respected. You will learn healing techniques, the shamanic journey, dance, song and meditation walks, combined with the drum, rattle, feather and herbs.
Price: £145, deposit £40.
Bookings & further details contact Philippa Church: tel: 07885 264221
Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on