Working with Spirit and Death Transition in the afterlife (bardos) DMP Module 2

Fri 7/1/22 - 5:00 pm

Practitioner: Juanita Puddifoot
Venue: The Birch Room

Deep Memory Process Module 2


5 days spread over 2 weekends - January 7th friday evening, Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th   then the following weekend friday 14th, sat 15 & sun 16th Jan.

Working with the past life death stages and the transition of the spirit into the interlife or ‘Bardo’ realms.

Learn the numerous resources available to help the past life spirit transform any unfinished business with persons on earth; how to enable a life review; enable reconciliation, letting go and the differing aspects of forgiveness; integration of soul-fragments, mediation and use of spirit helpers and guides; animal spirits; ancestors. Work with the various levels of Bardo reality and how to work with each; introductions to the different issues of spirit release, attachments of loved ones through to the darker residues’ working with the collective and groups of spirits and other peoples soul fragments; releasing imprints on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

open for self development attendance or for therapists to add to their skills or for those who wish to become Deep Memory Process practitioner (will need to attend other modules)

cost £325 (not including accommodation or food)

contact Juanita - 07455269891  or email -

Note: If you would also like information about other workshops and events at the Centre please contact Richard Diss on

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