Juanita Puddifoot
Transpersonal Therapist
Juanita Puddifoot international transpersonal therapist and teacher - her passion is facilitating and enabling transformation of issues that block people them living a happy and fulfilling life. Her empowering and practical approach enables greater understanding of the connections between the physical world, spirit realms and the subtle energies.
Face to face sessions are approximately 1.5 to 2 hours long - fee £95 (includes room hire.
Telephone or skype sessions are 1 hr long fee £40
Juanita is a professional transpersonal counsellor, she also has over 25 years of experience and training in various techniques and methods such as regression therapy, energy work, shamanic practices, spirit and land communication so this enables Juanita to provide a broad spectrum of ways to work with the any of life's issues.
First a brief telephone conversation.
Any of life's issues can be worked with from – clients issues may be to develop a sense of relaxation, wish to have more positivity in life or they have difficult issues to resolve and heal. These can be anything from residues of abuse, trauma, PSDT self esteem, lack of direction, stress, relationship issues, energy difficulties with the home or office, ancestor influences or spirit attachments.
Over the years Juanita has found that there are certain core influences which, when explored and worked with can bring about huge transformational changes. These can be unresolved childhood experiences and family dynamics, unfinished ancestral business, residues and binding contracts from past lives, spirit attachments or negative environmental energies.
Juanita works with individuals, groups and organisations by exploring and working with the 'energetic worlds' utilising methods such as Deep Memory Process, (DMP, a form of regression therapy) and a range of energy practices, including shamanic methods with inspiration from esoteric practices of Western and Eastern spiritual traditions.
An important stage on Juanita’s journey was working with the late author and grail seeker Dr Roger Woolger PhD (creator of Deep Memory Process, past life regression therapy) in Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt and Greece. She is now a Chief Trainer of DMP and is a member of the Woogler Training International professional council that oversees his work and continues his legacy worldwide. She collaborated with Dr Woolger for a number of years in the radical technique of collective spirit release called Ancestral Field Work. Together they led tours to major sacred sites in ancient Egypt, including guiding groups in sacred ceremonies.
Visit the Deep Memory Process here: rogerwoolger.org
Juanita has trained numerous people over the years to be sensitive to their subtle energy bodies and connect with other realities in a practical and grounded way. Using her therapeutic skills she supports people to explore their own inner journeys of healing, helping them connect with their own innate knowledge and power. The comments and feedback she has received over the years confirms her ability as a highly skilled teacher.
' I have experienced Juanita as a caring, skilled and professional therapist, who has guided me through a number of sessions/deep journeys. Her knowledge and experience in DMP and energy work, combined with her loving and caring personality, has made these journeys safe and profound. The DMP sessions with Juanita have transformed aspects of my life and immensely enhanced my emotional and spiritual wellbeing for which I am very grateful.' - Biggi Hofmann
' I am delighted to to have learned a new 'stand alone technique' that I know will be useful for myself as well as clients I see. I particularly like the fact that it is essentially a self healing technique - nothing is going to be revealed that the individual is not genuinely ready to deal with. A useful in built safeguard.' - Jackie
'Participating in this wonderful workshop helped me visit a pivotal moment in my childhood, and through words and movement unearth and explore the energetic impulse of that situation, bringing a whole new understanding and energy to light.' - Paul, London